Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Monday, February 28, 2011

Dr Strangelove, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.

Best Line: You can't fight in here! This is the war room!

I watched Dr Stangelove last night for varsity and it was a good laugh. In a good way. I always enjoy spotting the terrible 'visual effects' in oldschool films like these - it makes them awfully authentic though, in my eyes anyway. Dr Strangelove himself is so bloody weird.

If you're feeling up for a lovely mockery (intended or not) of the Cold War, watch it.

Cheers x

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bernie got Brains.

My cousin brought this video to my attention.

Now, I know most of you will see the length - 13 odd minutes - and not want to watch it. But if I you have a moment, really, give it your time. It's so refreshing to see an American speaking passionately about one of America's greatest problems, namely: the war being waged by some of the wealthiest, most powerful people in the country against the disappearing, shrinking middle class of the country.

He brings up statistics and many great arguments that go with them that are very interesting, including a personal story about Christmas shopping. But to simplify, what Bernie is saying is that there is a tiny-weeenie percentage of the world population (10 million peeps, to be exact) that fall under America's label for the top 1 percent of highest-income-earning mofos and that that little tiny-weenie percentage is so well-catered for that their tax backs (generally speaking about R100 000 per year, per rich guy) are put at a higher priority than the government has currently placed education, health, child-care, etc... i.e. they're making the rich guys richer and the ones who can't pay for all the good stuff don't get given shit to change that.

This top 1 percent of income-earners earn more than the bottom FIFTY PERCENT of all income-earners. I'll paraphrase: 10 mil of our population earns more than the bottom 3-billion-and-whatever do, altogether. My maths isn't great. But that's round about how shocking it is.

"Mr President, while the middle class of this country collapses, and the rich become much richer, the United States now has by far the most unequal distribution of income on earth in history." - Sies.

Now according to this guy, there are some Americans who get it and who aren't ONLY into earning more money and more power. So, no, not all Americans are bad. At all. I know a couple great ones. But fuck, some of them really do need to wake up and smell the poor people. Hell, even the middle class people will do.