Showing posts with label agency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label agency. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I got into APM. Cool.
I got onto the APM website. Cool.


Thursday, January 27, 2011


I fucking got in. I can't contain myself. I've been jumping around and screaming like a crazy person, which, anyone who knows me would say is very unusual. I'm just not like that. So... I'm pretty damn excited! I just wanna kiss someone!

The agent I saw was a woman named Janet and she was really much sweeter and friendlier than I had imagined her to be but was also super straight with me about things one normally wouldn't want to have been straight to about. Make sense? Like, she told me my big front teeth don't need to be seen so I need to practice smiling in a way that connects the essence of my smile to the viewer of the photograph or footage but without showing my front teeth OR looking like a spaz who's trying to hide her front teeth.

I also had to do some impromptu accent work for her. That was intimidating. Wow.

And then I did my trusty Juno monologue and got a couple laughs but she said the beginning was too fast - a crit I ALWAYS get. It's really a problem for me. Perhaps it's the nerves. Probably. I'll trump that shit. Eventually.

The whole process made me wonder what all the big guys went through at their first meeting with an agent. I wish I could watch the footage... But for now. Some pics of Bonnie Timmermann's actors in their early days:

and a couple more...
(hahah! Look at the similarity between Sandra Bullock and George Clooney!)

...and, last but not least:

... my favourite: Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow and Uma Thurman.

Over and out xxx

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I'm auditioning for an actors agency tomorrow morning. This is my monologue. I love the humour in this script.


My dad used to be in the Army. He and my mom got divorced when I was five. She lives on a Havasu reservation in Arizona with her new husband and three replacement kids. Oh, and she inexplicably mails me a cactus every Valentine’s Day. And I’m like, “Thanks a heap, Cayote Ugly. This cactus-gram stings even worse than your abandonment.” My stepmom’s Brenda. She’s obsessed with dogs, owns a nail salon called ‘Bren’s Tens’, and she always smells like methylmethacrylate.

Juno Macguff. That’s my name. And the lady behind the bulletproof glass at the waiting room for Women Now – who allegedly help women now – thinks I’m using a fake name. Like Gene Simmons or Mother Teresa. She tried to give me these weird condoms that looked like grape suckers, and she told me about her boyfriend’s pie balls, and Su-Chin Kuah was there, and she told me the baby had fingernails. Fingernails! So. I’m staying pregnant.

I was thinking maybe I could give the baby to somebody who actually likes that kind of thing. You know, like a woman with a bum ovary or something. Or some nice Lesbos.

But come on. I can’t scope out wannabe parents in the Penny Saver! That’s tacky. That’s like buying clothes at the Pump ‘n Munch. I was thinking more like a graphic designer, mid-thirties, and his cool Asian wife who dresses awesome and plays bass. But I’m trying to not be too particular.

Because, you know, hey, this’ll all be resolved in thirty-odd weeks. And then we can pretend it just never happened. I mean, I’d give it away now, I would. But it probably looks like a Sea Monkey at this point, so I think we should leave it in there for a while until it gets cuter, you know.

Juno MacGuff and Paulie Bleeker