Showing posts with label wordboner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wordboner. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Tonight I feel a little bit lost. And I'm not sure why. Perhaps because my day today felt unproductive and - although it was a beautiful day and I was in a good mood all the way through and I even took my pants off and swam - it just felt like a typical hot-and-bothered day and that's probably why I didn't like it that much. Conclusion --> way to find solution to "something's missing" --> start blog --> new post --> stream of consciousness writing.

I feel better already.

(Me feeling better already)
I registered today - third year theatre and performance. I can't believe it's going so fast. If I'm climbing up a hill, I'm at the top now, on my way back down. Although I presume the hill down wards is more difficult. So, perhaps I started at the top of the hill - yes. That's it. Climbed a 12-year hill up to Matric, climbed 2 years down to third year and now it's two back up to the top... graduation. Shit. That's scary.

I feel like I'm having a bit of a writers' block. I keep starting to want to write about something and then changing my mind... or whatever's going through my mind is boring me. Haha. What a depressing thought.

I've figured something out. I want to talk about Valentine's day. It's coming up. It's big, fat, red and squidgy. etc. I get that people hate on it for being a money-making scheme. And I get that others blissfully swear by it as one of the most important days in their relationships - right up there with their "month-a-versaries". And I tried to figure out which of the two Valentine's Day categories I fall under. I will admit to being a rather corny hopeless romantic. But I'm also not one for ignorance-is-bliss...

So, my conclusion is that those who hate on the love day for the fact that it chews at their wallets - chill out and enjoy it. If you're a dude, she'll be pissed if you don't buy her something and if you do, you might get lucky and get some yourself. And if you're a chick... well, you know you want to. As for the blind love maniacs, good for you, just don't let resentment come into play when you can't pay for your own whatever it is you want or need and stuff.

So, from me, the hopeless romantic who doesn't want to spend too much this Valentine's Day - happy loving, happy saving and happy matress-dancin' ;)

Au Revoir


Friday, January 28, 2011