Showing posts with label photographer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photographer. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Category Headshots.

Editing my new headshots for APM.

1. Rocker

2. Shmodel

3. Bikini

4. Sports

5. Business Woman
Thank you Chantal Cherry for waking up at 6am to take photos of me.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Infrared Kate Davies

I haven't blogged in ages. I've been waiting to find something worth blogging. I found it:

Cape Town based photographer Kate Davies has recently had a solo exhibition of her infrared photography. Using an Infrared modified Canon DSLR she has created these otherworldly landscape images. She says, “I am hoping this infrared exhibition will help to inspire people to not rely on the norm, but to use all and any options available to express themselves.”

“Infrared photography is by no stretch of the imagination a new form of photography, but for me it has drastically changed the way I look at the medium, as well as the world around me. In brief, Infrared conversion is the process whereby you remove the Infrared filter which sits in front of the camera’s sensor, thereby allowing the IR rays to hit the sensor. The second step would be to use an IR filter in front of the lens, to allow only a certain wavelength of IR rays through.”

Kate is mostly self-taught, excepting two short courses, and aims to create an emotional connection between the viewer and her images. As for her near future, she plans to continue to explore the various mediums within photography and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and what is not, using anything from film, polaroid, pinhole to modified digital.

See more of Kate’s work on her blog.

Nuff said.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chalk Pipe

Robin Rhode. Thanks to Kat ten Velthuis for introducing me to this artist. Jack of all arts. The creation of his pieces is a performance that people can come and watch (call it 'performance art' if you will). The piece is then photographed and video'd and sold as artworks in a gallery at another point in time. I think that's pretty dope.

Check it out xxx

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best Status.

I decided today that every now and then (hopefully every day but I'm trying not to be unrealistic), I'm going to post my favourite fb status - as in someone else's. I'm putting it under the label "fb status" so eventually, when you want to see all my favourites as a collective bunch of fb status', just click on that label in my cool little label constellation on the right hand side of my posts :)


"Favourite morning headline: ANC not into sushi and naked girls"
-Jonx Pillemer (Photographer)

Peace. x